Friday, July 26, 2013
Some thoughts on separation of church and state
It has recently struck me how many liberals have spoken in favor of getting rid of laws with a religious basis. In the name of separation of church and state, many liberals try to get rid of laws against gay marriage by pointing to the religious basis of many arguments supporting them.
This seems to me a fundamentally flawed interpretation of separation of church and state, for the following reason: Many laws supported by atheists and agnostics are, for many people, grounded in religious belief. The Ten Commandments say "Thou shalt not kill" (the basis of laws against murder), "Thou shalt not steal" (the basis for laws against theft), and "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor" (the basis for laws against perjury). If we were to discard any law with a religious basis, we would have to do away with laws against theft, perjury, and murder, which are supported largely on the basis of religion. The harm to society of doing such is self-evident, and so clearly, discarding laws with a religious basis is unwise.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
My passion for history
"History is about high achievement, glorious works of art, music, architecture, literature, philosophy, science and medicine - not just politics and the military - as the best of politicians and generals have readily attested. History is about leadership, and the power of ideas. History is about change, because the world has never not been changing, indeed because life itself is change ... History is the course of human events. And it must therefore be, if truthful, about failure, injustice, struggle, suffering, disappointment, and the humdrum. History demonstrates often in brutal fashion the evils of enforced ignorance and demagoguery. History is a source of strength, a constant reminder of the courage of others in times more trying and painful than our own."
- David McCullough's "The Course of Human Events" (2003)
Most of my Facebook and Blogger friends have seen my posts about history. Whether it's talking about the latest historical book or documentary that I've watched, or noting the anniversary of an important historical event, or even posting about a major historical individual on their birthday, I love posting about history. A few people have given me positive feedback on these historical posts.
But I have never, as yet, talked publicly about how I got interested in history. At the risk of boring my readers, I will now share some of the story about how I acquired my passion for history.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
My favorite history documentaries
Disclosure: I am an Amazon affiliate marketer, and can sometimes make money when you buy the product using the link(s) below.
Ancient historyEgypt's Golden Empire (PBS Empires) - 2 ½ hours
Michael Wood's In Search of the Trojan War (BBC) - 6 hours
The Greeks: Crucible of Civilization (PBS Empires) - 2 ½ hours
Bettany Hughes' The Spartans (shown on PBS) - 3 hours
Michael Wood's In the Footsteps of Alexander the Great (BBC) - 4 hours
Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire (History Channel) - 10 hours
Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 6 hours
The Roman Empire in the First Century (PBS Empires) - 3 ½ hours
Art history
Great Epochs of European Art: Art of the Ancient Greeks & Romans (German-made) - 2 hours
The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (BBC) - 4 hours
Kenneth Clark's Civilisation (BBC) - 11 hours
The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance (PBS Empires) - 4 hours
Michael Wood's Art of the Western World - 9 hours
Civilizations (BBC, shown on PBS) - 9 hours
Religious history
The Buddha: The Story of Siddhartha (PBS) - 2 hours
Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites (PBS Empires) - 4 hours
Simon Schama's The Story of the Jews (shown on PBS) - 5 hours
Jerusalem: Center of the World (PBS) - 2 hours
Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine (shown on PBS) - 5 ½ hours
The Life of Muhammad (BBC, shown on PBS) - 3 hours
Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS Empires) - 3 hours
Martin Luther (PBS Empires) - 2 hours
David Starkey's The Six Wives of Henry VIII - 3 hours
The Middle Ages
Byzantium: The Lost Empire (The Learning Channel) - 3 ½ hours
The Dark Ages (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours
Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire (History Channel) - 10 hours
Ancient Rome: The Rise and Fall of an Empire (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 6 hours
The Roman Empire in the First Century (PBS Empires) - 3 ½ hours
The Germanic Tribes (German-made) - 4 hours
Art history
Great Epochs of European Art: Art of the Ancient Greeks & Romans (German-made) - 2 hours
The Dark Ages: An Age of Light (BBC) - 4 hours
Kenneth Clark's Civilisation (BBC) - 11 hours
The Medici: Godfathers of the Renaissance (PBS Empires) - 4 hours
Michael Wood's Art of the Western World - 9 hours
Civilizations (BBC, shown on PBS) - 9 hours
Religious history
The Buddha: The Story of Siddhartha (PBS) - 2 hours
Kingdom of David: The Saga of the Israelites (PBS Empires) - 4 hours
Simon Schama's The Story of the Jews (shown on PBS) - 5 hours
Jerusalem: Center of the World (PBS) - 2 hours
How the Celts Saved Britain (BBC) - 2 hours
The Life of Muhammad (BBC, shown on PBS) - 3 hours
Islam: Empire of Faith (PBS Empires) - 3 hours
Martin Luther (PBS Empires) - 2 hours
David Starkey's Henry VIII: Mind of a Tyrant (requires code-free DVD player) - 3 hours
David Starkey's The Six Wives of Henry VIII - 3 hours
The Middle Ages
Byzantium: The Lost Empire (The Learning Channel) - 3 ½ hours
The Dark Ages (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours
Michael Wood's In Search of the Dark Ages (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 6 hours
Vikings: The Real Warriors (BBC) - 3 hours
The Normans (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 3 hours
Vikings: The Real Warriors (BBC) - 3 hours
The Normans (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 3 hours
The Normans: The Complete Epic Saga (privately made) - 3 hours
The Crusades (BBC) - 3 hours
The Crusades: Crescent and the Cross (History Channel) - 3 hours
The Wars of the Roses: A Bloody Crown (British-made) - 2 hours
The Crusades (BBC) - 3 hours
The Plague (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours (often available as bonus feature for The Dark Ages)
The Plantagenets (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 3 hours
Britain's Bloodiest Dynasty: The Plantagenets (British-made) - 4 hours
Britain's Bloody Crown (British-made) - 3 hours
The Stuarts & The Stuarts in Exile (BBC, this part is technically post-Middle-Ages, requires code-free DVD player) - 5 hours
History of the British Isles generally
Simon Schama's A History of Britain (BBC, with American financing) - 15 hours
David Starkey's Monarchy (U. K.) (British-made) - 17 hours
Michael Wood's Story of England (BBC) - 6 hours
Frank Delaney's The Celts (BBC) - 6 hours
Neil Oliver's A History of Scotland (BBC Scotland) - 10 hours
Huw Edwards' The Story of Wales (BBC Wales) - 6 hours
Fergal Keane's The Story of Ireland (BBC Northern Ireland) - 5 hours
Andrew Marr's Modern Britain 1901-2007 (BBC - requires code-free DVD player) - 10 hours
World history
Alistair Cooke's America: A Personal History of the United States (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 10 hours
Canada: A People's History (CBC and Société de Radio-Canada) - 32 hours
Australia: The Story of Us (Australian-made - requires code-free DVD player) - 6 hours
Africa's Great Civilizations (PBS) - 6 hours
Michael Wood's The Story of India (BBC) - 6 hours
Michael Wood's The Story of China (BBC) - 6 hours
Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire (PBS Empires) - 2 ½ hours
History of the English language
Melvyn Bragg's The Adventure of English (British-made) - 6 hours
Famous reigning queens
David Starkey's Elizabeth (Elizabeth the First, British-made) - 3 hours
Catherine the Great (PBS) - 2 hours
Queen Victoria's Empire (PBS Empires) - 3 ½ hours
Early Latin America
In Search of History: The Aztec Empire (History Channel) - 1 hour
Breaking the Maya Code (PBS) - 2 hours
Michael Wood's Conquistadors (BBC, shown on PBS) - 4 hours
Colonial America
Secrets of the Dead: Jamestown's Dark Winter (PBS) - 1 hour
The Pilgrims (PBS) - 2 hours
The Seven Years' War
The War That Made America (PBS) - 4 hours
The American Revolution (my main posts and my other posts)
Overviews of the war
Liberty! The American Revolution (PBS) - 6 hours
History Channel's "The Revolution" - 10 hours
Rebels & Redcoats: How Britain Lost America - 4 hours
American Revolution biographies
Muffie Meyer's Benjamin Franklin (PBS) - 3 hours
Ken Burns' Benjamin Franklin (PBS) - 4 hours
George Washington the Warrior (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours
Founding Fathers (History Channel) - 3 hours
Founding Brothers (History Channel) - 3 hours
John and Abigail Adams (PBS) - 2 hours
Ken Burns' Thomas Jefferson (PBS) - 3 hours
Frontier exploration
Ken Burns' Lewis and Clark (PBS) - 4 hours
The French Revolution/Napoleonic Era
Versailles (French documentary, with episode about King Louis XVI - requires code-free DVD player) - 9 hours
David Grubin's Marie Antoinette (PBS) - 2 hours
The French Revolution (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours
David Grubin's Napoleon (PBS Empires) - 4 hours
The War of 1812 (North America)
The War of 1812 (PBS) - 2 hours - available online
Dolley Madison (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil, and the Presidency (PBS) - 2 hours - available on YouTube
The Mexican-American War
The U.S.-Mexican War 1846-1848 - 4 hours - available on YouTube - link to first half
The Gold Rush - 2 hours
The American Civil War (my main posts and my other posts)
The Abolitionists (PBS) - 3 hours
Ken Burns' The Civil War (overview by PBS) - 11 hours
Reconstruction: The Second Civil War (PBS) - 3 hours
Civil War biographies
Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided (PBS) - 6 hours
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Jefferson Davis (privately made) - 3 ½ hours
Ulysses S. Grant (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Various other topics
Michael Wood's In Search of Myths and Heroes - 4 hours
Ken Burns' The Congress (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Transcontinental Railroad (PBS) - 2 hours
Ken Burns' Not for Ourselves Alone; Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (PBS) - 3 hours
Murder of a President: James A. Garfield (PBS) - 2 hours
Ken Burns' Mark Twain (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
New York Underground (PBS) - 1 hour
Ric Burns' New York: A Documentary History (PBS) - 17 hours
Crucible of Empire: the Spanish-American War (PBS) - 2 hours
The Boer War (British-made - requires code-free DVD player) - 1 ½ hours
TR: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Ken Burns' Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (PBS) - 2 hours
Panama Canal (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Edison: The Father of Invention (PBS) - 2 hours
Tesla: Master of Lightning (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Citizen Hearst (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Ken Burns' Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio (PBS) - 2 hours
Henry Ford (PBS) - 2 hours - available online
Walt Disney (PBS) - 4 hours
Silicon Valley (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
World War One
BBC's The Great War (interviews veterans) - 17 hours
CBS's World War One (the complete story) - 10 hours
PBS's The Great War (American Experience) - 6 hours
Biographies of major figures
Woodrow Wilson (PBS) - 3 hours
Coverage of particular portions of the war
The Storm That Swept Mexico (PBS) - 2 hours - available on YouTube
The Irish Rebellion 1916 (PBS) - 3 hours
Lawrence of Arabia: The Battle for the Arab World (PBS) - 2 hours
Influenza 1918 (PBS, American Experience) - 1 hour
Paris 1919: Inside the Peace Talks That Changed the World (Canadian-made) - 1 ½ hours
World War Two (my main posts and my other posts)
The Road to War (BBC) - 3 hours
War of the Century: When Hitler Fought Stalin (BBC) - 3 ½ hours
Allied powers
ANZAC: Australians at War in World War Two (Australian-made) - 10 hours
Canada at War (Canadian-made, World War Two) - 6 hours
Ken Burns' The War (PBS) - 15 hours (focuses on United States in World War Two)
Biographies of Allied leaders
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (PBS) - 4 hours - available online
Eleanor Roosevelt (PBS) - 2 ½ hours
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History (PBS, Ken Burns) - 14 hours
Winston Churchill (British-made) - 3 hours
Dwight D. Eisenhower (PBS) - 2 ½ hours
The Cold War (my main posts and my other posts)
The Cold War (CNN) - 18 hours
Korea: The Forgotten War (Timeless Media Group) - 5 hours
Ken Burns' The Vietnam War (PBS) - 18 ½ hours
Cold War political biographies (other)
John F. Kennedy (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Robert F. Kennedy (PBS) - 2 hours
Lyndon B. Johnson (PBS) - 3 ½ hours - available online
History of the British Isles generally
Simon Schama's A History of Britain (BBC, with American financing) - 15 hours
David Starkey's Monarchy (U. K.) (British-made) - 17 hours
Michael Wood's Story of England (BBC) - 6 hours
Frank Delaney's The Celts (BBC) - 6 hours
Neil Oliver's A History of Scotland (BBC Scotland) - 10 hours
Huw Edwards' The Story of Wales (BBC Wales) - 6 hours
Fergal Keane's The Story of Ireland (BBC Northern Ireland) - 5 hours
Andrew Marr's Modern Britain 1901-2007 (BBC - requires code-free DVD player) - 10 hours
World history
Alistair Cooke's America: A Personal History of the United States (BBC, requires code-free DVD player) - 10 hours
Canada: A People's History (CBC and Société de Radio-Canada) - 32 hours
Australia: The Story of Us (Australian-made - requires code-free DVD player) - 6 hours
Africa's Great Civilizations (PBS) - 6 hours
Michael Wood's The Story of India (BBC) - 6 hours
Michael Wood's The Story of China (BBC) - 6 hours
Japan: Memoirs of a Secret Empire (PBS Empires) - 2 ½ hours
History of the English language
Melvyn Bragg's The Adventure of English (British-made) - 6 hours
Famous reigning queens
David Starkey's Elizabeth (Elizabeth the First, British-made) - 3 hours
Catherine the Great (PBS) - 2 hours
Queen Victoria's Empire (PBS Empires) - 3 ½ hours
Early Latin America
In Search of History: The Aztec Empire (History Channel) - 1 hour
Breaking the Maya Code (PBS) - 2 hours
Michael Wood's Conquistadors (BBC, shown on PBS) - 4 hours
Colonial America
Secrets of the Dead: Jamestown's Dark Winter (PBS) - 1 hour
The Pilgrims (PBS) - 2 hours
The Seven Years' War
The War That Made America (PBS) - 4 hours
The American Revolution (my main posts and my other posts)
Overviews of the war
Liberty! The American Revolution (PBS) - 6 hours
History Channel's "The Revolution" - 10 hours
Rebels & Redcoats: How Britain Lost America - 4 hours
American Revolution biographies
Muffie Meyer's Benjamin Franklin (PBS) - 3 hours
Ken Burns' Benjamin Franklin (PBS) - 4 hours
George Washington the Warrior (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours
Founding Fathers (History Channel) - 3 hours
Founding Brothers (History Channel) - 3 hours
John and Abigail Adams (PBS) - 2 hours
Ken Burns' Thomas Jefferson (PBS) - 3 hours
Frontier exploration
Ken Burns' Lewis and Clark (PBS) - 4 hours
The French Revolution/Napoleonic Era
Versailles (French documentary, with episode about King Louis XVI - requires code-free DVD player) - 9 hours
David Grubin's Marie Antoinette (PBS) - 2 hours
The French Revolution (History Channel) - 1 ½ hours
David Grubin's Napoleon (PBS Empires) - 4 hours
The War of 1812 (North America)
The War of 1812 (PBS) - 2 hours - available online
Dolley Madison (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Andrew Jackson: Good, Evil, and the Presidency (PBS) - 2 hours - available on YouTube
The Mexican-American War
The U.S.-Mexican War 1846-1848 - 4 hours - available on YouTube - link to first half
The Gold Rush - 2 hours
The American Civil War (my main posts and my other posts)
The Abolitionists (PBS) - 3 hours
Ken Burns' The Civil War (overview by PBS) - 11 hours
Reconstruction: The Second Civil War (PBS) - 3 hours
Civil War biographies
Abraham and Mary Lincoln: A House Divided (PBS) - 6 hours
The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Jefferson Davis (privately made) - 3 ½ hours
Ulysses S. Grant (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Various other topics
Michael Wood's In Search of Myths and Heroes - 4 hours
Ken Burns' The Congress (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Modern Marvels: The Suez Canal (History Channel) - 1 hour
Transcontinental Railroad (PBS) - 2 hours
Ken Burns' Not for Ourselves Alone; Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony (PBS) - 3 hours
Murder of a President: James A. Garfield (PBS) - 2 hours
Ken Burns' Mark Twain (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
New York Underground (PBS) - 1 hour
Ric Burns' New York: A Documentary History (PBS) - 17 hours
Crucible of Empire: the Spanish-American War (PBS) - 2 hours
The Boer War (British-made - requires code-free DVD player) - 1 ½ hours
TR: The Story of Theodore Roosevelt (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Ken Burns' Horatio's Drive: America's First Road Trip (PBS) - 2 hours
Panama Canal (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
The Great San Francisco Earthquake (PBS) - 1 hour
War of the Worlds (PBS) - 1 hour
Ken Burns' Hemingway (PBS) - 6 hours
History of American business
The Men Who Built America (History Channel) - 6 hours
The Gilded Age (PBS) - 2 hours
The Circus (PBS) - 4 hours
Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
History of American business
The Men Who Built America (History Channel) - 6 hours
The Gilded Age (PBS) - 2 hours
The Circus (PBS) - 4 hours
Joseph Pulitzer: Voice of the People (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Edison: The Father of Invention (PBS) - 2 hours
Tesla: Master of Lightning (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
Citizen Hearst (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Ken Burns' Empire of the Air: The Men Who Made Radio (PBS) - 2 hours
Henry Ford (PBS) - 2 hours - available online
Walt Disney (PBS) - 4 hours
Silicon Valley (PBS) - 1 ½ hours
World War One
BBC's The Great War (interviews veterans) - 17 hours
CBS's World War One (the complete story) - 10 hours
PBS's The Great War (American Experience) - 6 hours
Biographies of major figures
Woodrow Wilson (PBS) - 3 hours
Coverage of particular portions of the war
The Storm That Swept Mexico (PBS) - 2 hours - available on YouTube
The Irish Rebellion 1916 (PBS) - 3 hours
Lawrence of Arabia: The Battle for the Arab World (PBS) - 2 hours
Influenza 1918 (PBS, American Experience) - 1 hour
Paris 1919: Inside the Peace Talks That Changed the World (Canadian-made) - 1 ½ hours
World War Two (my main posts and my other posts)
The Road to War (BBC) - 3 hours
War of the Century: When Hitler Fought Stalin (BBC) - 3 ½ hours
Allied powers
ANZAC: Australians at War in World War Two (Australian-made) - 10 hours
Canada at War (Canadian-made, World War Two) - 6 hours
Ken Burns' The War (PBS) - 15 hours (focuses on United States in World War Two)
BBC History of World War II - 30 hours (technically a collection of different World War II documentaries)
The World at War (British-made, World War Two) - 23 hours (an actual unified history, which talks about the major powers on both sides)
Axis powers
The Nazis: A Warning from History (BBC) - 5 hours
The World at War (British-made, World War Two) - 23 hours (an actual unified history, which talks about the major powers on both sides)
Axis powers
The Nazis: A Warning from History (BBC) - 5 hours
Horror in the East: Japan and the Atrocities of World War II (BBC) - 1 ½ hours
Auschwitz: The Nazis and the "Final Solution" (BBC) - 5 hours
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (PBS) - 4 hours - available online
Eleanor Roosevelt (PBS) - 2 ½ hours
The Roosevelts: An Intimate History (PBS, Ken Burns) - 14 hours
Winston Churchill (British-made) - 3 hours
Dwight D. Eisenhower (PBS) - 2 ½ hours
The Cold War (my main posts and my other posts)
The Cold War (CNN) - 18 hours
Korea: The Forgotten War (Timeless Media Group) - 5 hours
Ken Burns' The Vietnam War (PBS) - 18 ½ hours
Cold War political biographies (other)
John F. Kennedy (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Robert F. Kennedy (PBS) - 2 hours
Lyndon B. Johnson (PBS) - 3 ½ hours - available online
Black in Latin America (PBS) - 4 hours
Native America (PBS) - 3 ½ hours
Asian Americans (PBS) - 5 hours
The Jewish Americans (PBS) - 6 hours
The Latino Americans (PBS) - 6 hours
The African Americans: Many Rivers to Cross (PBS) - 6 hours
Ken Burns' Jackie Robinson (PBS) - 4 hours
Ken Burns' Muhammad Ali (PBS) - 8 hours
The Long Walk of Nelson Mandela (PBS Frontline) - 2 hours
Monday, July 1, 2013
A review of "Canada: A People's History"
"It shall be lawful for the Queen, by and with the Advice of Her Majesty’s Most Honourable Privy Council, to declare by Proclamation that, on and after a Day therein appointed, not being more than Six Months after the passing of this Act, the Provinces of Canada, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick shall form and be One Dominion under the Name of Canada; and on and after that Day those Three Provinces shall form and be One Dominion under that Name accordingly."
- Canada's "Constitution Act of 1867," also known as the "British North America Act 1867"
I would like to offer my American perspective to this 32-hour Canadian series. I hope Canadians will not mind. I got this series because I was interested in the history of America's northern neighbor. Canada is one of the United States' biggest trading partners, and being interested in doing trade with Canada, and able to speak both French and English, I thought it would be helpful to know something about Canadian history and culture.
This documentary did not disappoint. It was dramatic and interesting, and I learned much about Canadian history. Having read from many online comments that even Canadians learned something about their history by watching this series, I am struck by its informative and educational power. It is also very moving in places, with great acting, music, and narration. Those looking to learn something about the country will not be disappointed.
The Battle of the Plains of Abraham, a major battle in the Seven Years' War - Quebec, 1759
(an important year in Canadian history, because it was the year that Canada became British)
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